All prices in the catalog are quoted on a per pound basis. Each product is cut to order and vacuum packed for you. You will be charged based on the exact weight of the custom cut of product ordered times the price per pound.

Price per pound quoted in the catalog is subject to change without notice due to commodity pricing of dairy products.

Total cost quoted from your online order is an estimate of product and total cost. Customer authorizes Pinconning Cheese Co. to process exact cost of order which may vary from this online estimate.

Due to product pricing being estimated when ordering online, credit/debit card is the only form of payment for online orders. Your credit/debit card will be charged after your product has been cut/packed and priced accordingly and exact shipping and handling price is obtained. If you would like to send a money order or have any questions regarding the payment process please feel free to contact us.

If you have a coupon code you can apply it to your order online. All you have to do is view your cart by clicking on the “My Cart” link in the top right-hand corner of the screen. When you have reached the “My Cart” page you can enter your coupon code in the box that says “Discount Codes.” When you have typed the code into the box, (be aware of capitalization, spacing, punctuation etc.) click on the box that says “Apply Coupon.” The code should apply to your order and you will be able to see your estimated total after the coupon has been applied.

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